Welcome to Tomblets™- engraved granite memorial plaques
Tomblet toom’let, n. a photograph immortalised in stone: a miniature memorial to a loved one: a personal heirloom: a polished black granite plaque, engraved with a photograph.
The first plaque was very personal and came after the death of a parent. After the cremation, the ashes were scattered in the memorial garden at the crematorium. Upon returning there, sometime later, others’ flowers were found in the same spot. Perfectly understandable and no reflection upon the crematorium. But what had been the last resting place of a dearly beloved was no longer personal. Something more permanent was needed.
As luck would have it, our family firm are specialist glass engravers - Collins Clayton and Co, first established in 1801. The technology used for fine glass engraving can be adapted to stone, so we engraved a photograph and a short inscription into a polished granite plaque to create a permanent, miniature memorial. In fact, two - one for the mother and one for her daughter.
These first plaques were, and still are, really treasured. Eight inches high and looking more like framed portraits than a headstone, they take pride of place on the dresser and mantelpiece at home. The only difference between these and an ordinary photograph is that the image and the text below it are both engraved into polished granite. They are permanent. They, and the memories they represent, will never ever fade.
Whilst this story is true, all other names and characters featured on this web site are fictitious. No identification with actual persons is intended or should be inferred.
Thinking that others might possibly have the same need, we exhibited some sample plaques at a funeral trade exhibition and the rest, as they say, is history...
Our product line now includes not only the Tomblet Home Memorials, based on these original, personal plaques, but also a range of oval, heart shaped and oblong photo engraved plaques for fitting to headstones. Shotblast engraved using state of the art technology, these plaques have a far higher resolution than other methods of mechanical engraving and are actually cut into the stone, unlike laser "engraving" which, although it looks slightly similar, is merely a surface finish.
The photographs themselves are copied from the original supplied by the customer (which is returned) and then expertly enhanced to make a portrait in stone. Unsuitable backgrounds can be removed, or removed and replaced; faded or damaged photos can be repaired and revitalised; separate photos of each half of a couple can be combined to appear as one image; drawings and paintings can be faithfully reproduced and the subject need not even be a person - fishing boats, faithful pets, favourite cars and many different badges and insignia have all been successfully engraved.
The quality of our products is vitally important to us and we take a very personal pride in our work. Every photograph is individually respected and processed. Each and every plaque is hand finished. If quality is important to you too, then you have come to the right place - Tomblets.